Testing laboratory for effluent and sludge

Thanks to its integrated laboratory and the expertise of its employees, EMO has a real asset to meet in the best manner the challenges of sludge and effluent treatment. Its laboratory studies industrial effluents and sludge from wastewater treatment plant. Through this upstream study, EMO provides technical solutions adapted to each problem. Involved in the research and writing of programs for effluent and sludge treatment, EMO also actively contributes to the development of new treatment processes


EMO laboratory delivers a detailed and specific study of your effluents and sludge in order to find the most suitable treatment and recycling method. Our experts study industrial effluents and sludge through different stages:

  • Determination of effluent and sludge characteristics: microscopic observations
  • Identification of the best effluent or sludge conditioning : selection of coagulants and flocculants most suitable to determine optimum dosages
  • Treatability tests in laboratory : study of sludge settling speed, flotation tests, sludge thickening and dewatering tests, filtration tests
  • Measuring of the efficiency of the selected process
  • On site tests with pilots units

 Process of sludge and effluent treatment

Our technical teams is able to carry out on-site expertise upstream as well as an evaluation of the solutions proposed by tests on pilot units to select the optimized treatment and equipment for your application.



Aware of the increasing constraints on industrial and sewage treatment plant operators, EMO focuses on the development of processes and technologies that aim to reduce the volume of sludge and remove it through environmentally friendly means at the lowest possible cost. To this end, EMO is actively involved in standardising the wastewater and sludge treatment.

EMO process managers are regularly contacted by the national and European standardisation committees to take part in working groups that define the new standards concerning the methods of characterization, categorization, preparation, treatment, management and recycling of sludge and waste water collection systems of urban or industrial origin

Characterization of slugde and effluent

Dry matter, organic matter, pH, redox, conductivity
• MY, DCO, Nitrogenizes total
• Microscopic observation of the bacteria

Bactéries filamenteusesBactéries filamenteusesBactéries filamenteusesBactéries filamenteuses



Characterization of sands


Granulometric study
Granulométrie des sables


Selection of the most suitable coagulant
• Selection of the most suitable flocculant
• Determination of optimal dosage of the reagents

Tests in laboratory

• Decantation : study of the speed of decantation
• Flottation : test of flotation to simulate a flottation unit
• Thickening : thickening cell to simulate one gravity belt thickener
• Dewatering : cell of compression to determine sludge dryness (simulation with belt fiter press, screw press, centrifuge, plate filter)
• Tertiary filtration

Pilot tests

Pilot of gravity belt thickener
• Pilot of belt filter press
• Pilot of plate filter press
• Pilot of tertiary filtration