
Discover EMO and its Ozzy partner VoR Environmental during their tour of Australia to start/and service few of last EMO references.

Jabiru, Northern Territorry

Lost in Kakadu national reserve, this vertical coarse screen treats domestic raw #wastewater.
Fully automatic cable screen DVM600, made of stainless steel 316 with a bar spacing of 25 mm.

EMO fully automatic cable screen DVM600EMO fully automatic cable screen DVM600

Bateman’s bay, New South Wales

EMO sized, manufactured and supplied one new-generation gravity belt tickener OMEGA 25 MDF with integrated flocculator and four points polymer injection ring.This innovative equipment is designed for optimised sludge #thickening: 2.50 m belt with to treat 380 kg DS/h/machine @5gr/l.

This unusual spicy combination of shamrock, orange and mild blue gives us the opportunity to celebrate over 10 years of partnership between EMO and its local partner in Australia.

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