REINE DE DIJON, Fleurey sur Ouche (21).
The company REINE DE DIJON works out mustards and sauces on its site of Fleurey on Ouche (21). Within the framework of the enlarging of the sewage treatment plant of waste waters of the factory REINE DE DIJON, EMO set up:
– a rotary sieving drum at the water treatment plant head, mesh opening 500 µ and capacity 25 m ³ /h,
– a flottation unit with a capacity of 25 m ³/h for the physico-chemical pretreatment of the effluents upstream of the biological treatment,
– a gravity belt thickener alternatively to thicken biological sludge and digested sludge (digestion of the remains of production and raw materials, sieve residue, sludge flottation unit and biological thickened sludge).